About Us
Green Energy Directory is the foremost green energy directory that lists renewable energy industries and businesses by locations, products, and services. Many directories have been published in the past decades; but with the advancement of technology, reputable, relevant, and up-to-date online directories such as Green Energy Directory have become the choice of industries, businesses, and prospective customers.
Green Energy Directory connects sustainable energy customers with appropriate service providers.
Our Mission
Our mission is to bring together all renewable / alternative energy industries, related establishments, and organizations in different regions for easy accessibility to their products and services.
Our Vision
Our vision is to Globalize, Raise, Expand, Elevate, and Network (GREEN) the business status and recognition of our clients to national and international levels, thereby increasing their business opportunities.
Our Values
We are fully committed to achieving the GREEN vision for our clients with DIRECTORY values:
- Dignity
- Integrity
- Respect
- Efficiency
- Continuity
- Trustworthiness
- Openness
- Reliability
- Yielding